Oh Savages. What can I say?
I don't like violent movies but I made an exception for Savages because I liked the cast (Blake Lively, Salma Hayek, Benicio Del Toro). A bigger factor for me was that Blake Lively's character, O, has two boyfriends. Did you say two boyfriends? Yeah I did.

In the middle of a therapy session, my therapist burst out, "Oh, there's a movie you have to see!"
I said, " Savages?"
I'm in there regularly talking about my adventures in kink, and how I've met these people, but they aren't contacting me anymore and what does that mean, and should I care, and people set up their relationships in such interesting ways, I see all this variety and people seem happy, etc. I may have mentioned once or twice that it would be interesting to have two boyfriends.
So she thought of me when she saw this movie. Good or bad? Not sure.
I wondered how Savages would treat the relationship between Ben, O, and Chon. I was concerned it would be a drama-filled sex-frenzied whirlwind of chaos and destruction. To my suprise it was the exact opposite. Inside the relationship was love and calm. Outside, everyone was double crossing everyone else, cutting deals, and slitting throats. The only people who didn't sell each other out to the highest bidder were these three.
There was only one love scene with all three of them together. I was the most tame in the movie, no skin, just kissing, but to me it was by far the most arousing. And that was because of the weed.
Out on the patio each takes a hit from a bong. Someone looks into someone elses eyes and they start touching. Chon rubs his hand along O's bangles. This is one of the hottest parts, because not only are they making out, they are making out high. That touch on her arm would be exquisite not because pot heightens the senses, necessarily, but it quiets down the monkey mind. All the stuff going on in her brain would cease for a while and she would simply focus on the sensation of a hand running up her arm. I'm not sure if it feels better so you focus more, or because you can focus on one thing it feels more intense. Either way, if a touch on her arm is exquisite, imagine the mind-blowing potential of a touch, lick or slap in a much more sensitive area.
I don't know if they intended the viewer to bring all this to the movie, but that's what I picked up and man that scene was hot. I shifted in my seat a little.
I saw it for a second time mostly so I could stare at Ben (Aaron Johnson). I'm such a sucker for the long-hair-scruffy-beard thing on guys. I like all kinds of men, trust me, but this kind of look is UTP bait.
Tie me to the mast of a ship, or so help me I'll see it for a 3rd time. MUST WAIT FOR DVD.