Sunday, July 29, 2012

I Have A New Blog

When my mom was visiting, we had some discussions about aspects of my personal life that she found out while on my computer. She says she was not snooping, but I do not believe her.

As a result of these conversations, I began to appreciate that some people do not want to be exposed to sex, sexuality or curse words. (If they expose themselves because they are nosy, well, there's nothing I can do about that.) I'm applying to graduate school to study human sexuality and I use my share of expletives, so those topics pop up frequently on this blog.  But I do have posts on other topics that get clicks from Google searches and those folks may not want to be exposed to these things.

Sparking Clean will have all the "clean" stuff from this blog that I can easily cut and paste. Posts about restaurants or toothpaste (yes, I'm writing about toothpaste soon), more reviews than how they relate to my inner life, will probably only be at Sparkling Clean.

All the good stuff will stay here. : - )