Monday, June 4, 2012

CJLL #5 - Display

Close Ups after the jump

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Theresa Berkley (or Berkeley) ran a high-class flagellation brother at 28 Charlotte Street (London). She was a "governess"; specializing in chastisement, whipping, flagellation, and the like  She invented the Berkley Horse, an apparatus that reportedly earned her a fortune flogging wealthy men and women of the time.  An expert with all instruments of torture, her talents became highly sought after by the aristocracy of the day.  She was a master of the art of inflicting pain for pleasure, an practiced absolute privacy to protect her clientele. Her clients were said to have been both men and women of wealth, and her career was financially lucrative.  Wikipedia.

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This illustration from "Casanova's Memoirs" is a superb art-nouveau - style piece drawn by Vincient Minnelli "Hollywood's Dark Dreamer" (Makes you wonder what he and his wife Judy Garland did behind closed doors) / 1930s transgender fun

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 Aubrey Vincent Beardsley (1872 - 1898) was an English illustrator and author.  His drawings, executed in black ink and influenced by the style of Japanese woodcuts, emphasized the grotesque, the decadent, and the erotic.

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Fanny whips (fouette) Mr. Barville - Edouard-Henry Avril (21 May 1843-1928) was a French painter and commercial artist.  Under the pseudonym Paul Avril, he was an illustrator of erotic literature.