I feel like I've walked through the fire and come out the other side. Even though I've technically been an adult for over 15 years, I felt like a girl or a "young adult." Now I feel like a woman with a spine of steel and strength to take on life.
I wanted to celebrate a year of hard work getting myself back on the good path, dealing with painful issues, and learning (slowly) to love myself. I really don't need any more material possessions. I have just about everything I want. I also didn't want to throw a party. That's just too much work. I've decided to give gifts to the people who have been there for me over the past year:
Coworkers L and D: A
Coworker B: A 16 x 20 framed print of one of my photos (three horses in a field of buttercups) (done)
Former Boss B and his family: A minor league baseball game on me (done. the evening included a corndog, ice cream, caramel popcorn, a few near misses with foul balls and dozens and dozens of crotch grabs)
Mother: A hummingbird statue for her collection
Hospital Outpatient Program: A box of art supplies so the current patients do not have to make due with crappy colored pencils
My current therapist: A hearty "Thank You" during a session (done)
My current psychiatrist: Another hearty "Thank You"
Friend A: Ultra Juice Green powder. Well, I'll give him something else too. I gave him the power because I couldn't hack it. I'm on the capsules instead.
I'm glad to celebrate this way!